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 Mindfulness Coaching 

Kristin and Sandra are certified Meditation, Mindfulness and Motivational Teachers

"For decades we studied mindfulness meditation that translates the ancient teachings into modern wisdom to activate our highest potential. We have meditated in the ashrams of India, we have climbed the pyramids of Egypt, and we have experienced the sacred mystical sites of Ireland."

Train Your Mind – Change Your Life

What is Meditation?

A mind-body practice that helps you focus to become the witness of your own mind. 

Promotes awareness to calm the mind that can cultivate overall well-being.

Train your brain to notice your thoughts and let go of the unhelpful ones.


What is Mindfulness?

A healthy habit of experiencing the moment and is a form of meditation. 

Paying attention to the signals your body and brain send you.

There is no right or wrong, the only goal is awareness of each THOUGHT AND FEELING.


Experience is Life’s Best Lesson

What did you notice?

How do you feel now?

Can you see how you are thinking differently?


Science Definition of Mindfulness  –  Self Regulation of Attention  –  To Be Fully Present:

Scientists have proven the therapeutic benefits of a mindfulness practice that are excellent for both the body and mind.  Disconnecting for even 5 to 10 minutes can bring a sense of peacefulness.


Mindfulness can help with stress and anxiety management. 

Mindfulness techniques can help you change your perception to reach your peak performance.



Kristin KSC Outdoor Photo Oct 2023.jpg

Work with Coach Kristin Peters
"Creating Inner Excellence Within" 

Kristin has been a Certified Mindfulness Teacher since 2015 and has offered full curriculum programs in both the private and public elementary school systems (TK – Middle School).


Kristin has also been a Youth Sports Coach and Manager for the past ten years.  She has successfully incorporated her Mindfulness & Visualization practices to improve the sports performance focus of her softball, baseball, and soccer athletes.  Her three children are her biggest TEACHERS.


Mindful Activities for Young Athletes:  Your child needs to understand why they play sports and the motivation behind their actions. There are all sorts of fun and engaging activities with the body scan and breath techniques like:  take 5,  starfish, counting breaths, anchoring words, butterfly catch …


A balance needs to be established to see which thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires exist.  When you have balance mentally, you have control physically.


Kristin offers MAXIMIZE YOUR FULL POTENTIAL team and one-on-one Mindful Living Coaching Programs. 


For further information contact

Mindfulness Coaching

Session $150

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